USGS Topo Quad Afognak C-1 and C-2, Alaska

Topo map Afognak C-1 and C-2 Alaska

Download Afognak C-1 and C-2

Download Afognak C-1 and C-2

Southern Latitude:

58.5000 N

Eastern Longitude:


Northen Latitude:

58.7500 N

Western Longitude:


Bay(s) in Afognak C-1 and C-2

Andreon Bay, Back Bay,

Cape(s) in Afognak C-1 and C-2

Point Banks, Tetrakof Point,

Channel(s) in Afognak C-1 and C-2

Perevalnie Passage,

Island(s) in Afognak C-1 and C-2

Ermine Island, Little Fort Island, Perevalnie Islands, Sea Otter Island, Sentinel Rock,