USGS Topo Quad Point Lay A-3 and A-4, Alaska

Topo map Point Lay A-3 and A-4 Alaska

Download Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Download Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Southern Latitude:

69.0000 N

Eastern Longitude:


Northen Latitude:

69.2500 N

Western Longitude:


Bay(s) in Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Omalik Lagoon,

Cape(s) in Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Cape Beaufort,

Range(s) in Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Amatusuk Hills,

Stream(s) in Point Lay A-3 and A-4

Amatusuk Creek, Kahgeatak Creek, Kahkatak Creek, Mataktuk Creek, Omalik Creek, Panikpiak Creek, Tulugak Creek,